Side Effect: Fluctuating vision

Side Effect: Fluctuating vision

Laser Eye Surgery is one of the safest and most commonly performed surgeries in the world.

Even though the procedure has only been around commercially since the latter part of the 20th century, its impressive results and huge advancement over others forms of vision correction has caused it to skyrocket in popularity and spread rapidly across the globe. Today, over 15,000 people in the UK alone are having Laser Eye Surgery each year, and thanks to the vast network of talented laser eye surgeons, the industry has benefited from many thousands of years of practice and research.

All those years of development and study are behind every Laser Eye Surgery procedure performed today. So from the moment you start your journey and find out a little bit more about the surgery, to the day of the procedure itself, you can rest easy in the peace of mind that comes with tens of millions of procedures.

Naturally with a surgery of such magnitude, the potential risks and accompanying side effects are well documented. Most variations of every possible outcome have already been experienced, so chances are your individual process can be accurately predicted before you even begin—including your chances of complications and side effects.

The post-surgery recovery period

Following Laser Eye Surgery comes a period of around 3-6 months where the eye is in full recovery mode, healing itself and adapting to the changes which have taken place.

During this recovery period there are certain guidelines to follow, things to avoid, and potential side effects that you need to be aware of. These side effects include light sensitivity, dry eyes, halos, glare in the form of starbursts, and what we are going to look at today: fluctuating vision.

Fluctuating vision

As is generally the case with the few Laser Eye Surgery side effects, fluctuating vision is experienced only temporarily.

Its effects vary from person to person and will most likely occur during the first few months after surgery, with your vision stabilising over time. This may involve short periods of not being able to focus objects in the foreground or distance, or at times blurry vision.

If you experience these symptoms—particularly blurry vision—staring at a screen for long periods of time can dry out your eyes and worsen their effects. But not too worry. This isn’t detrimental to the results of the surgery, and can be easily managed with lubricated eye drops.

Once your vision begins to stabilise, if you’re still experiencing other side effects like halos and glare then a further correction or enhancement procedure may be necessary. However, it’s important to wait until your eye measurements are consistent to consider a re-operation.

Read more about side effects that occur during the post-surgery recovery period.

If you’d like to book a consultation at London Vision Clinic, or find out more about the procedure, leave us a comment or give us a call us on 020 7224 1005.

Categories: Laser eye surgery

View Comments (4)

  • So, if I decide to get laser surgery
    but two weeks later I have a very important event to attend
    would my eyes be expected to fluctuate a lot where I can no longer see well on certain days?

    • Hi Sam, fluctuation and recovery varies patient to patient, and both of these are only temporary. The best way to find out more information is to call us on 020 7224 1005.
      Thanks, LoVC

  • I underwent the Relex Smile surgery 16 days ago and my right eye is still blurry most of the time (especially indoors). I am starting to wonder if it won't improve? When I apply artificial tears it clears up for a while but then quickly goes back to becoming foggy. I can also "feel" the presence of my right eye, unlike my left eye. What could be the reason?

    • Hi Andrew,
      We always advise patients to seek advice from the surgeon who performed their treatment. They should provide you with post-operative care and advice during your recovery period.
      Kindest Regards,
      London Vision Clinic