Short-sighted? What You Can Expect From Laser Eye Surgery

Short-sighted? What You Can Expect From Laser Eye Surgery Unless you’re lucky and still in the honeymoon period of wearing them, you’re probably fed up with wearing glasses. It’s frustrating having to reach for your specs every time you want to read something. It’s costly when you break or misplace them. And it’s simply defeating when you discover yet another activity you can’t do because of them. But what am I saying — you already know all of this. By…

The Effect On Your Eyes Working In The City (London)

The Effect On Your Eyes Working In The City (London) The effects of working in the city can take its toll on your eyes. From air pollution and lighting, to digital screens and even reading, everyday our eyes face a barrage of stimuli and we barely even blink at the thought of long term damage. But luckily for us, taking care of our eyes doesn’t have to be a full time job. Through solely being more conscious of the various…

Eye Health: European Coalition for Vision Request End To Neglect

Earlier this year, the European Coalition for Vision (ECV) released a press statement to call on European decision makers to include eye health and vision in their political agenda. The call follows an earlier event in which members of the ECV claimed that eye health has been neglected in the political arena for too long, and that there is far too much avoidable and preventable vision damage….

Keeping An Eye On Health – The London Vision Clinic Team Are Working Out

Physical fitness is good for our eyes as well as our bodies and minds – and with regular sessions of Zumba and yoga planned for 2014, members of the London Vision Clinic team are hoping to prove the point by working out. It has long been established that a sedentary lifestyle spent staring at a computer screen can have a negative effect on your general health, well-being and comfort, including that of your eyes. However, you may be relieved to know that reversing these bad habits can spell good news for your body, your stress levels, and your vision….

Is Laser Eye Surgery Risky?

“Laser”, “eye” and “surgery” are three words that may, understandably, arouse anxiety. Unlike in the USA, where the procedure is often referred to simply as “LASIK”, one of the first obstacles for someone considering the treatment in this country may well be just getting over their pre-conceptions (which, we have found, are most often mis-conceptions) about what risks laser eye surgery involves….

Laser Eye Surgery Fears: What If My Optometrist Finds A Problem I Didn’t Know About?

People avoid doctors for many reasons. Some find appointments difficult to pack into a busy schedule, some are unwilling to open up to a doctor, or worried about perceived ‘time wasting’, and many even fear that being amongst sick people in the doctor’s waiting room will result in contamination! However, something that is perhaps discussed less often is the common fear that a doctor may find a problem that is bigger than what the appointment was initially booked for. This fear is, for many people, a reason to avoid regular visits to the GP, dentist, or optometrist….