Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Large Pupils? [VIDEO]

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Large Pupils? Most prospective patients understandably have a lot of questions when it comes to the possibility of having Laser Eye Surgery. Thankfully, most of these questions are fairly straightforward to answer. In fact, at London Vision Clinic, we strive to provide as much insight into Laser Eye Surgery and our other treatments as possible (just take a look at the rest of our blog!). But there are some questions that…

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Epilepsy? [VIDEO]

Providing patients are well controlled on their conventional antiepileptic medication, there is no reason why an individual shouldn’t have laser eye surgery. The type of light that is used in the procedure is not strobe lighting, so this eliminates the concern that a flashing light may promote an epileptic attack….

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have a Collagen Vascular Disease? [VIDEO]

Collagen vascular diseases may not preclude a patient from having laser eye surgery. If a patient’s inflammatory basis for the collagen vascular disease is out of control it may mean that we are not able to provide treatment at that present time but we work very closely with the patient’s GP and if necessary an ocular inflammatory expert to ascertain the patient’s suitability for treatment….

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Iritis? [VIDEO]

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Iritis? Suppose you’ve been considering having Laser Eye Surgery to correct your prescription. In that case, you may well have wondered if there are any conditions or factors that could make you unsuitable for treatment. Well, the fact is, while Laser Eye Surgery has become increasingly accessible in recent years, there are some circumstances in which the procedure may not be the right choice for you. In this article, we’ll be…

Will I Receive Anaesthesia During Laser Eye Surgery Treatment? [VIDEO]

Laser eye surgery is performed using topical anaesthetic. There is no need for a general anaesthetic as the topical drops themselves are sufficient to basically completely anaesthetize the cornea and that is the area where all the treatment is being done. On top of that the patient actually needs to be awake, they need to be alert so that they can respond to the surgeon’s commands and in a sense look in the right direction toward certain target points which will facilitate their treatment and make it more reliable….

11 Eye Tests You Should Know if You’re Considering Laser Eye Surgery

11 Eye Tests You Should Know if You’re Considering Laser Eye Surgery If you’re considering Laser Eye Surgery for the correction of your refractive error, you may well be wondering what happens during your pre-operative screening appointment. More specifically, you may be curious about the level of testing that will be required to determine your eligibility and allow us to create your personalised treatment plan. At London Vision Clinic, we strongly believe in the importance of transparency and education in…