What are the long-term effects of Laser Eye Surgery?

What are the long-term effects of Laser Eye Surgery? Not many medical treatments in this world are permanent fixes. Despite the impressive rate of medical innovation in recent years, the vast majority of treatment options still focus on symptom management. For example, medical equipment like glasses and crutches offer us temporary relief. Similarly, drugs may rid us of illness for a short while, yet they only get a hold on serious or chronic conditions with continual use. Not even invasive…

Laser Eye Surgery for Long-Sightedness

Laser Eye Surgery for Long Sightedness For those of us that are short-sighted, it can often be tempting to wish for the other side of the coin. Surely, long-sightedness must be preferable? I wouldn’t have to worry about looking in the mirror and becoming concerned with wrinkles, spots, or the bags under my eyes – I wouldn’t be able to see them! In my naïveté, I may also assume that long-sightedness would make it easier to block out distractions or…

Should I expect both eyes to heal at the same rate?

Should I expect both eyes to heal at the same rate? Over the last few decades, Laser Eye Surgery has become the most popular elective surgery in the world. This achievement has been largely influenced by the relative simplicity of the procedure. As with any good design, it takes tools and knowledge which are inherently complex – in this case, state-of-the-art lasers and the human eye – to form something that is accessible, effective, and can be enjoyed by all….

Avoid Being Seduced By Cheap Laser Eye Surgery Deals

Avoid Being Seduced By Cheap Laser Eye Surgery Deals Everybody loves a bargain. But when it comes to any form of elective surgery, price should never be the first thing you look out for. We tend to have a funny relationship with money. Just yesterday when I was out doing the shopping, a new, cheaper brand of a type of product I buy every week caught my eye. As it was marginally less than the one I usually go for…

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Dry Eyes? [video]

Dry eye is a relative contra indication to laser eye surgery. All patients at the London Vision Clinic who are found to have preoperative dry eye undergo an extensive review system whereby we try to evaluate the underlying cause of the patient’s dry eye. If this can subsequently be optimised through treatment regimes, we can boost the underlying tear film, resolve the dry eye and are able to offer these patients treatment….

Is it worth getting Laser Eye Surgery?

Is it worth getting Laser Eye Surgery? There’s no shortage of reasons why someone might want to have Laser Eye Surgery. Some of them are incredibly deep and meaningful: A guy who’s having his second child and wants to be able to help roll or wake up in the middle of the night without worrying about finding his glasses. But most reasons are pretty mundane and simple: Just being able to wake up in the morning and not have to search the…

Can I see my Laser Eye Surgery being performed?

Can I see my Laser Eye Surgery being performed? You’re looking forward to having greater vision following the surgery, but what exactly do you see during the procedure? This is one of the most common concerns that frequents the mind of those considering Laser Eye Surgery, along with similar queries like ‘Will the treatment hurt?’, and, ‘How long does the procedure take?’ This is perfectly natural — in fact, it’s best practice to find out all the details of the…

Can LASIK Or Laser Eye Surgery Correct Double Vision?

Can LASIK Or Laser Eye Surgery Correct Double Vision? Like one of those dull headaches that appears when you wake up in the morning, double vision can come about for a heck of a lot of reasons. In fact, if I were to try and list them all here, I might start to get double vision myself. Despite it being such a hard symptom to pin to an exact cause, there are a number of conditions with which double vision…

What causes dry eyes after laser vision correction? [VIDEO]

What causes dry eyes after laser vision correction? Nerves play an important role in the Laser Eye Surgery recovery process. I’m not talking about the jitters, patients are usually very calm by this time — I’m on about a different set of nerves: those on the surface of your eye. The nerves on the surface of the eye are momentarily interrupted because of the pain-free laser process. Thankfully, though, these nerves possess the incredible power to regenerate over a period…