Every day, we hear about things that are bad for our health but when it comes to our eyes, it is particularly serious. The lens of the eye cannot repair itself and any lost and damaged cells are never replaced; thus, we really do need to take care of them. But what is particularly damaging? …
Tag: .lifestyle
Vision Myths: Are Glasses Bad for Your Eyes?
Are Glasses Bad for Your Eyes? The concept of glasses has been around for hundreds of years. Having gone through many iterations in that time – such as handheld lenses and monocles – it is only in the last hundred years or so that glasses as we know them today have become the norm. Yet, the speed with which glasses have taken on endless styles, colours, and prescriptions is extremely impressive. Since new methods and materials made it possible to…
Why Staying Hydrated is Important for Eye Health
Why Staying Hydrated is Important for Eye Health In the UK, we are lucky enough to have access to water almost everywhere we go – it is, quite literally, on tap. Moreover, water takes up nearly three-quarters of the earth’s surface, floats around in the air in the form of vapour, and is even stored beneath the land under our feet. Yet, many of us are still not putting enough of it in our bodies. This can have a significant…
Time for New Sunglasses? Make Sure They Really Protect Your Eyes
Time for New Sunglasses? Make Sure They Really Protect Your Eyes Every year, when summer rolls around once again, most of us have one simple wish in the back of our minds: Let there be sun! Whether we’re jetting off on holiday or simply hoping to make the most of the weather at home. No matter where we’re getting our solar fix from, though, we are always careful to take along our sun cream, hats, and sunglasses. But how can…
Top Tips for Looking After Your Eyes in the Sun
Top Tips for Looking After Your Eyes in the Sun We all know that we should never look directly at the sun – it was drilled into us throughout our childhood and many of us have likely repeated the lesson to our own children. But do you know who didn’t get the memo? The great polymath astronomer, Galileo. The story goes that one day, while Galileo was minding his own business surveying the endless wonder of the universe, he happened…
Practical Tips For Naturally Brighter & Whiter Eyes

Practical Tips For Naturally Brighter & Whiter Eyes What is often the first thing you notice about someone when meeting them for the first time? Or the last thing you remember when they walk away? Why, their eyes, of course! As humans, we are automatically drawn to the eyes of our fellow beings. Whether they are six feet tall or four; bald or thick-haired; in their twenties or their eighties – there is something about clear and shining eyes that…
Youtuber and Fashion Blogger Sophie Milner has ReLEx SMILE [VIDEO]
Youtuber and Fashion Blogger Sophie Milner has ReLEx SMILE Sophie Milner has become well-known in the fashion blogging world for her empowering – and often cut-throat- commentary. Her online blog covers everything from fashion, beauty and skincare to relationships and travel – but that’s not all Sophie has been up to over the last few years. She has also become known for her YouTube channel, where she shares all manner of experiences, including product reviews, fashion hauls – and her…
Sky Diver Jakob Anguiers has ReLEx SMILE [VIDEO]
Sky Diver Jakob Anguiers has ReLEx SMILE Back in 2017, Jakob Anguiers, skydiver and amateur Youtuber, found himself jumping out of an aeroplane and hurtling to the ground at a speed of around 125mph. While this in itself might sound incredible to most of us, it was actually pretty routine for Jakob. But, this time there was one difference: this was the first time he had jumped without contact lenses. You see, just one week before Jakob embarked on this…
George Chesterton of GQ Magazine has PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision [VIDEO]
George Chesterton of GQ Magazine has PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision If you are going to be an Editor of one of the world’s biggest magazine publications, there are a few things you should consider… You have to be a critic who has an eye for detail as well as a vision for the bigger picture. You need to balance impartiality with fearlessness in voicing your opinion. But, perhaps more important than all that, you have to be tough. Having been…
10 Things To Do That Are Miles Better Without Wearing Glasses
10 Things that are Miles Better without Wearing Glasses There are some things in life that we can’t accurately imagine until we take the plunge and just go for it. Things like having a baby, or starting a new career. Oh, or getting rid of your glasses – once and for all. From admiring the latest drawing from your little one to appreciating the beauty of a sunrise – or even reading this article – sufficient vision is a prerequisite…