How Does Laser Eye Surgery Correct Refractive Errors?

How Does Laser Eye Surgery Correct Refractive Errors? For many people, Laser Eye Surgery still remains a rather scary concept. But a lot of people also don’t realise that Laser Eye Surgery has now been around for a long time – around four decades, in fact. In this time, the technology used and our understanding of the process has continuously evolved, making Laser Eye Surgery one of the safest and most common elective procedures in the world. Nonetheless, the general…

[VIDEO] Understanding the Evolution of Laser Eye Surgery: How Does it Work?

Understanding the Evolution of Laser Eye Surgery: How Does it Work? In the modern world that we all find ourselves in – wandering around with masterpieces of modern technology tucked in our pockets; with the potential to have life-changing surgery at our fingertips – it can be easy to distance ourselves from our history. I mean, can you imagine a time when you couldn’t ask ‘Google’ to answer a fleeting and inconsequential query at least five times a day? A…

SMILE vs. LASIK vs. Surface Ablation

SMILE vs LASIK vs Surface Ablation For centuries, the go-to resolution for refractory conditions has been glasses, followed later on by contact lenses. While these options were both revolutionary in their time – and continue to offer significant results for millions – there is a new kid in town. The inception of Laser Eye Surgery four decades ago introduced a new era of elective procedures and promised to reduce our dependence on easily-lost glasses, and inconvenient contacts. But, the increasing…

Learn about different types of refractive surgery

Learn About Different Types Of Refractive Surgery Learning about refractive surgery can be a long and gruelling task. First, you’ve to find the time in your day to sit down without the distractions of kids or pets or—let’s face it—more fun things you could be doing. Then you’re faced with sifting through endless mounds of information, statistics, opinions, and tabloids, most of which are produced to shock or sell. Even when you manage to find a reliable source of information, it’s easy to…

Laser eye treatments

Laser eye treatments Have you ever read a description of a new product, treatment, or therapy, and immediately switched off due to an excess of overcomplicated jargon? I mean, what’s the point in using complex and technical language if they know it will fly straight over the heads of the vast majority of people? It’s a good question — and one that reveals a lot about the company or person behind the particular product or service they are selling. You’ll find…