Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is – Surgeons who have had Laser Eye Surgery

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is – Surgeons who have had Laser Eye Surgery If you’ve been considering Laser Eye Surgery for a while, there are likely countless questions and concerns running through your head. Perhaps you’re worried about the potential disruption to your life, or maybe you’re frightened at the prospect of being awake during your surgery. And while you might think that it is easy for us, on the other side of the operating table, to tell…

Choosing a Surgeon for Your Laser Eye Surgery

Choosing a Surgeon for Your Laser Eye Surgery When heading into the hospital for any type of surgery, you generally don’t have to give a second thought to who your surgeon will be. You can be sure that whoever carries out your procedure will be qualified and experienced enough for the job. That’s because when it comes to standard medical practice, there are strict rules and regulations in place to ensure that not just any regular Joe can decide to…