Will I Still Need to Wear Glasses or Contact Lenses After LASIK?

Will I Still Need to Wear Glasses or Contact Lenses After LASIK?

People who have been unfortunate to rely on glasses or contact lenses will likely have found themselves wondering if Laser Eye Surgery could be the answer to ditching the visual aids forever. But does it really work like that? Is there a chance that you might still need to wear glasses or contact lenses after LASIK?

First and foremost, it is important to note that the majority of people who have Laser Eye Surgery will be able to say “Goodbye!” to their current visual aids.

The aim of Laser Eye Surgery is to correct your vision to the same standard or better than your glasses corrected vision. And we’re happy to report that, in the vast majority of our patients, we achieve just that! However, there are cases where glasses may still be required after LASIK or another Laser Eye Surgery procedure.

Let’s take a look at some of the reasons you may still need or choose to wear glasses after treatment.

Less than Optimum Correction

As we have said, the vast majority of our patients achieve 20/20 vision or better with Laser Eye Surgery treatment. However, there is a chance that your vision will not have reached optimum levels. This is less likely to occur when undergoing treatment at a high-quality clinic.

While some people may still wear glasses or contact lenses after LASIK, most patients will opt to undergo an enhancement procedure.

You may be more likely to need an enhancement procedure if you have a very high prescription. Figures show that enhancement rates are lower in patients with lower prescriptions. Still, it is estimated that 10-20% of all patients could benefit from an enhancement procedure following their initial treatment.

For individuals who require particularly sharp vision for their vocation – such as pilots and surgeons – glasses may still be required.

You may Still Need Reading Glasses

A common query many people have about Laser Eye Surgery is whether the results last forever. Well, they do! The changes made to your eyes during a Laser Eye Surgery procedure are permanent, meaning your eyes will be corrected for your current prescription forever.

But hold your horses! That doesn’t necessarily mean that you will never need to wear glasses again – even if your surgeon achieves the best possible outcome.

This is because, as much as we wish it weren’t the case, our bodies continue to age – and our eyes are no exception. Just like our skin, hair, and other organs, our eyes begin to deteriorate over time and when this happens, they begin to lose their focusing power.

This process is known as Presbyopia, meaning literally “old eye”.

Presbyopia after Laser Eye Surgery

Unfortunately, having had Laser Eye Surgery earlier in life won’t protect you from Presbyopia. While you may have enjoyed 10, 20, or even 30 years of living a blissful life without the irritation of glasses or contact lenses, it is likely that you will still require reading glasses at some point.

Thankfully, there is another solution to the so-called “old eye”: PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision. This revolutionary Laser treatment corrects the shape of the eyes to prioritise distance vision in one eye and near vision in the other. Your brain is then able to combine the two images to create a clear picture of all fields of vision!

Contact Lenses and Laser Eye Surgery

Of course, glasses aren’t the only visual aid – contact lenses are extremely common and are often the preferred option for people with a refractive error. But will you have to wear contact lenses (or will you be able to) after LASIK?

While it may be unnoticeable to the wearer, contact lenses change the shape of the eye. For this reason, it is usually recommended that you stop wearing your lenses, in favour of glasses, for the weeks running up to your procedure. This gives your eyes the chance to settle back into their natural shape.

But Laser Eye Surgery also changes the shape of your eyes. By removing tissue from the cornea, LASIK and other procedures are able to change the way that light is reflected into your eye, hence correcting any refractive error.

As a result, applying contact lenses can be more difficult after LASIK and many patients may require special gas-permeable or hybrid contact lenses. Of course, as we stated at the beginning, the chance of ever needing to wear contact lenses again after Laser Eye Surgery is relatively small.

If you are still concerned about having to wear glasses or contact lenses after Laser Eye Surgery, don’t hesitate to get in touch. Alternatively, Book a Consultation to start your journey to clear vision today.