Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Only One Good Eye? [video]

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Only One Good Eye? Laser Eye Surgery has come a long way over the years. Not only is it more effective in the refractive errors that it can treat, but it is now suitable for more patients than ever before. In fact, at the best clinics, surgeons can treat even very high prescriptions in many patients that would once have been unsuitable for Laser Eye Surgery. But what if you have…

FAQs: Conditions That May Make You Unsuitable for Laser Eye Surgery

Conditions That May Make You Unsuitable For Laser Eye Surgery Thanks to advancements in expertise and technology in recent years, more people than ever before are now suitable for Laser Eye Surgery. However, there are some factors that may affect your eligibility for treatment. On this page, we’ll be taking a look at some of the most common questions regarding conditions that may make you unsuitable for Laser Eye Surgery. Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Diabetes?…

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Large Pupils? [VIDEO]

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Large Pupils? Most prospective patients understandably have a lot of questions when it comes to the possibility of having Laser Eye Surgery. Thankfully, most of these questions are fairly straightforward to answer. In fact, at London Vision Clinic, we strive to provide as much insight into Laser Eye Surgery and our other treatments as possible (just take a look at the rest of our blog!). But there are some questions that…

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Epilepsy? [VIDEO]

Providing patients are well controlled on their conventional antiepileptic medication, there is no reason why an individual shouldn’t have laser eye surgery. The type of light that is used in the procedure is not strobe lighting, so this eliminates the concern that a flashing light may promote an epileptic attack….

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have a Collagen Vascular Disease? [VIDEO]

Collagen vascular diseases may not preclude a patient from having laser eye surgery. If a patient’s inflammatory basis for the collagen vascular disease is out of control it may mean that we are not able to provide treatment at that present time but we work very closely with the patient’s GP and if necessary an ocular inflammatory expert to ascertain the patient’s suitability for treatment….

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Iritis? [VIDEO]

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Iritis? Suppose you’ve been considering having Laser Eye Surgery to correct your prescription. In that case, you may well have wondered if there are any conditions or factors that could make you unsuitable for treatment. Well, the fact is, while Laser Eye Surgery has become increasingly accessible in recent years, there are some circumstances in which the procedure may not be the right choice for you. In this article, we’ll be…

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Night Vision Disturbances? [VIDEO]

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Night Vision Disturbances? Traditionally, Laser Eye Surgery has had some limitations which meant that certain patients were unsuitable for treatment. This may have been due to the extent of their prescription, the thickness of the corneas, or the presence of certain health conditions. But while some of these limitations may remain, advancements in technology and expertise mean that more people are now suitable for treatment than ever before – including those…