Does Cataract Surgery Reduce Eye Pressure?

Does Cataract Surgery Reduce Eye Pressure (Intraocular Pressure)? Cataract Surgery is a procedure that was developed with the primary goal of removing cataracts from the eye. This prevents the loss of vision associated with the development of cataracts; however, you may have heard that Cataract Surgery can also be useful for reducing eye pressure (intraocular pressure). Increases in eye pressure – also known as Ocular Hypertension – are caused by a dysfunction in the eye’s drainage system. In normal circumstances, fluids…

Does Cataract Surgery Help Glaucoma?

Does Cataract Surgery Help Glaucoma? Our eyes have a lot to contend with throughout our lives. Being complex and vital organs that are more exposed than their counterparts in the rest of the body, the eyes often do a surprisingly good job at remaining healthy and in good working order. But as we get older, it is increasingly likely that they will become affected by various problems, including presbyopia, cataracts, and glaucoma. Both cataracts and glaucoma are more likely to…

What are some good questions to ask about Laser Eye Surgery?

What are some good questions to ask about Laser Eye Surgery? If you’re considering Laser Eye Surgery to correct your refractive error – whether that be long-sightedness, short-sightedness, Astigmatism, or presbyopia – it’s likely that you’ll have some questions about the procedure. Take a look at our list of frequently asked questions below for some helpful questions to ask your surgeon or ophthalmologist. Is there an age limit for Laser Eye Surgery? At London Vision Clinic, we are able to…

Am I a good candidate for LASIK based on my refractive error?

Am I a good candidate for LASIK based on my refractive error? LASIK is the most commonly performed Laser Eye Surgery procedure in the UK – and has been since the late 1980s. Having such a long history (relative to Laser Eye Surgery) means that most patients eligible for Laser Eye Surgery are suitable for LASIK; however, there are exceptions. In this article, we will briefly explain the difference between LASIK and other Laser Eye Surgery procedures (PRK/LASEK and ReLEx…

Can I have laser eye treatment if I am diabetic?

Can I have Laser Eye Surgery Treatment if I Have Diabetes? When starting out on the path to improved vision with Laser Eye Surgery, there are a number of important considerations that need to be made. These can include the condition and prescription of your eyes, the desired results, and existing health conditions. For example, you might be wondering: Can I have Laser Eye Surgery treatment if I have Diabetes? While the general answer to this question may be ‘yes’,…

The Importance of a Rigorous Screening Program

The Importance of a Rigorous Screening Program Laser Eye Surgery deals with one of our most complex organs and most precious senses. As such, it is essential that the utmost care and attention are paid throughout the whole process – not just on the day of surgery. That’s why we employ one of the most rigorous and comprehensive initial screening programs around. In this article, we’ll explain why – when it comes to Laser Eye Surgery – more is more….

Laser Eye Surgery for… Astigmatism

Laser Eye Surgery for… Astigmatism Over the decades since its popular introduction in the 1980s, Laser Eye Surgery has developed to become the most popular elective procedure in the world. To date, millions of people have experienced how Laser Eye Surgery can change their lives for the better. Despite this popularity, however, many are still unaware that they too could wave “goodbye!” to glasses and contact lenses for good. That’s right, Laser Eye Surgery can now treat a wide range…

A Journey to Better Vision with ICL Surgery: Sara’s Story

A Journey to Better Vision with ICL Surgery: Sara’s Story Sara Hunter has been wearing glasses for her short-sightedness since she was six years old. After making the switch to contact lenses at the age of 12 or 13, Sara took the plunge (after a push from her optician) to find out how London Vision Clinic could help her on a journey to better vision.   In early 2023, Sara decided to document her experience after struggling to find accounts…