Can You Get Cataracts After Cataract Surgery?

Can You Get Cataracts After Cataract Surgery? Becoming aware of a cataract in your eye (or eyes) is understandably not a very pleasant revelation. Your vision has likely already become impaired and you may find that you have difficulty performing everyday tasks such as reading and driving. Yet, the prospect of having surgery on your eyes can also be just as daunting. So, you would like to be certain that you’ll only need treatment once, right? No one wants to…

Can Cataract Surgery Cause Dizziness?

Can Cataract Surgery Cause Dizziness? Cataract Surgery is the most commonly performed procedure in the UK, with an estimated 400,000 surgeries carried out every year by the NHS in England alone. The routine nature of the procedure has helped to make Cataract Surgery incredibly safe with few side effects. However, as with any surgical procedure, it is important to be aware of any potential side effects that could occur post-surgery. In this article, we’ll be answering the question: Can Cataract…

Can Cataract Surgery Help Keratoconus?

Can Cataract Surgery Help Keratoconus? The eye is an incredibly complex organ with literally millions of working parts. As impressive as this may be, this complexity also opens the door to a number of complications, including eye diseases such as keratoconus. This ectatic eye disease, though uncommon, can pose significant issues, including affecting a patient’s suitability for Laser Eye Surgery. But could Cataract Surgery help? Or if not, does having keratoconus make one unsuitable for the procedure? Let’s find out….

Can Cataract Surgery Make Macular Pucker Worse?

Can Cataract Surgery Make a Macular Pucker Worse? Cataract surgery is the most commonly performed surgical procedure in the UK. As such, it is associated with extremely successful and satisfactory results as well as a low risk profile. However, we understand that awaiting any kind of surgical procedure can be daunting and it is only natural to want to be as informed as possible about the process and any potential risks. That’s why we decided to cover everything you need…

Will Cataract Surgery Improve Near-Sightedness?

Will Cataract Surgery Improve Near-Sightedness? If you’re awaiting treatment for cataracts, you will probably want to learn as much as possible about the procedure and the results you can expect afterwards. Of course, you will expect your clouded vision to be resolved due to the removal of the cataract, but you may also wonder whether you can expect some additional benefits. For example, will Cataract Surgery improve near-sightedness? How Does Cataract Surgery Work? Cataract Surgery is the most commonly performed…

What is Age-Related Macular Degeneration?

What is Age-Related Macular Degeneration? The eye is an incredibly complex organ with over 2 million components, all of which are essential to one of our most valuable functions – our vision. But with so many moving parts, our eyes are susceptible to a wide range of problems, from common refractive errors to serious diseases. One condition that can cause significant impairment to our vision is age-related macular degeneration. A Common Cause of Vision Loss Macular degeneration affects the central…

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery if I Have a Detached Retina? [VIDEO]

The retina is a structure at the back of the eye. When the light is focused by the cornea and the lens in the center of the eye, it is focused to reach the retina at the back of the eye. If the retina is detached, it is now sitting in an incorrect position to absorb the light and the ability to absorb light may also be depressed. Patients who have a form of retinal detachment are advised to seek an opinion from a retinal expert in order to have their retinal detachment addressed first and should that be successful, they may then become candidates for laser eye surgery….

Can Cataract Surgery Cause Headaches?

Can Cataract Surgery Cause Headaches? Cataract Surgery is a relatively simple minor procedure with a generally favourable side effect profile. For most patients, the recovery period is short and uneventful with few – if any – complications. However, it is common to experience some minor side effects during the first few weeks following the procedure. It is estimated that around 450,000 cataract surgeries are performed each year in England alone. It should come as no surprise, then, that Cataract Surgery…

Can Cataract Surgery Improve Night Vision?

Can Cataract Surgery Improve Night Vision? The formation of cataracts can have a significant impact on your quality of vision, eventually leading to vision loss and even blindness if left untreated. But in the early stages of their development, one of the first symptoms of cataracts is a loss of contrast sensitivity. Over time, this and other symptoms can affect night vision, making it increasingly difficult to perform tasks in low light conditions. So, if this is the case, will…