Could My Sight Be Over-Corrected After Laser Eye Surgery?

Could My Sight Be Over-Corrected After Laser Eye Surgery? If you’re considering or even awaiting Laser Eye Surgery treatment, you have probably had a hundred questions and concerns running through your head. From common queries like, “Does Laser Eye Surgery hurt?“, to more specific questions like, “What if I have corneal scarring?“. You may even have worried about having blurry vision after Laser Eye Surgery. But it’s unlikely you will have considered whether your vision can be over-corrected after Laser…

Why Great Sport and 20/20 Vision See Eye to Eye

Hikers, runners, sailing enthusiasts, skiers, white water rafters and swimmers are all among London Vision Clinic patients. The risks of using contact lenses in the water are well chronicled; and goggles fitted with lenses – while adding a humorous scene in the film Notting Hill – in reality offer only extremely limited help in the swimming pool. London Vision Clinic surgeon, Glenn Carp a keen swimmer recalls, before having his own sight problems corrected, the awkwardness of not being able to see the pool clock and being unable to check his length timings. (He had to peer at a special clock positioned specially at the end of his lane)….

What Happens Directly After Laser Eye Surgery?

What Will Happen Directly After Laser Eye Surgery? If you’ve decided to go ahead with Laser Eye Surgery, you have likely spent a lot of time thinking about the procedure itself. This is completely understandable – I mean, who wouldn’t find the thought of eye surgery a little disconcerting? But hopefully, your chosen clinic will have given you all the information you need to put your mind at ease and give you time to start thinking about the next chapter….

Do Laser Eye Surgery Results Differ Between Prescriptions? [VIDEO]

In general, results (the term used in refractive surgery is “efficacy”) decrease as prescriptions increase. Our experience at London Vision Clinic, while not as dramatic as the norm, mirrors this general trend. Therefore, when reviewing results, it is important to have these results reflect what vision patients achieve for specific prescriptions (as opposed to overall results across all prescriptions which are less relevant and are in fact often biased towards lower prescriptions). In this video, Mr. Carp explains our approach to higher prescriptions and why the high profile treatment is necessary for some of our patients……

Can You Drive After Cataract Surgery?

Can You Drive After Cataract Surgery? The development of cataracts in your eyes can affect your life in a number of ways. Most obviously, cataracts can significantly impair your vision, making it increasingly difficult to perform everyday tasks. But it’s easy to forget how much these things can affect your independence – after all, our vision is something we take for granted for everything from reading to driving. Many patients are, therefore, eager to learn when they can return to…