Could My Sight Be Over-Corrected After Laser Eye Surgery?

If you’re considering or even awaiting Laser Eye Surgery treatment, you have probably had a hundred questions and concerns running through your head. From common queries like, “Does Laser Eye Surgery hurt?“, to more specific questions like, “What if I have corneal scarring?“. You may even have worried about having blurry vision after Laser Eye Surgery. But it’s unlikely you will have considered whether your vision can be over-corrected after Laser Eye Surgery.

In this article, we answer this question and tell you everything you need to know about both over-correction and under-correction and what can be done about it. But first, let’s have a brief look at what your Laser Eye Surgery treatment will actually involve.

How Does Laser Eye Surgery Work?

There are three main types of Laser Eye Surgery, all of which involve gaining access to the corneal bed in a slightly different way. For example, LASIK (the most common procedure) involves creating a small flap in the cornea, while ReLEx SMILE creates a small “keyhole” incision. However, the next step of all procedures is the same.

An ultra-precise laser (contrary to popular belief, it is not hot), is used to remove a pre-determined portion of tissue from the corneal bed. This allows the surgeon to reshape the cornea, adjusting the way light is directed into the eye. When done correctly, this ensures that light is aimed directly onto the retina at the back of the eye.

In the majority of cases – especially when the procedure is completed by an experienced surgeon – both patient and surgeon will be happy with the results. However, there is a small risk that the treatment won’t go exactly to plan – but don’t worry!

What is over-correction?

There is a small possibility that your vision will be over-corrected after Laser Eye Surgery. This means that too much tissue was removed during the initial procedure. As a result, your vision may not be to the standard that you or your surgeon are happy with. Similarly, under-correction occurs when not enough tissue is removed during the procedure.

What if my vision is over-corrected?

The good news is that these problems are well understood and, as a result, are usually easy to correct. This involves an enhancement procedure to compensate for the over- or under-correction. While this does mean that there will be the inconvenience of visiting the clinic for a second procedure, the enhancement procedure will ensure your vision is as good as it can be. Furthermore, when you opt for Laser Eye Surgery treatment at the London Vision Clinic, there will be no cost for the enhancement.

Unfortunately, it’s not possible to control your eye’s healing response after Laser Eye Surgery. Some people will find that their vision will drift a little and their vision may not match what they had initially hoped for. Over-correction is one of the possible outcomes of Laser Eye Surgery. However, in most cases, this can be corrected with a simple enhancement procedure. Following this, it is likely that your vision will be as good as (if not better) than ever!

If you would like to learn more about the possible outcomes of Laser Eye Surgery, get in touch with one of our friendly clinic coordinators or Book a Consultation today.