The 10 Most Annoying Things About Reading Glasses

In life, it can sometimes feel like there are just two types of people – those that wear glasses and those that don’t. And, let’s be honest, those people who don’t have to wear glasses will never understand some of the frustrations they cause! Are any of these familiar to you?…

Laser Eye Surgery – Live Without Regrets

Our patients often tell us how, when considering having laser eye surgery, they had many fears about the procedure, thinking it risky and worrying that it would be painful. However, people frequently report that their initial consultation began to put them at ease, as our highly specialised staff answered all of their questions precisely, knowledgeably, and openly….

Robots Can’t Wear Reading Glasses

Star Wars actor Anthony Daniels as C-3PO, the endearing robot and loyal friend of Luke Skywalker, found himself in the impossible position of not being able to see his script while wearing a costume that made it impossible to use reading glasses ….

Optometrist Emma Climbs Mount Ararat

It is five years since optometrist Emma Brandon had her extreme short sightedness corrected and her husband is also a London Vision Clinic patient.
“On the mountain, we both said to each other that we couldn’t imagine what the experience would have been like with glasses or contacts – the views on the way up were absolutely stunning – we couldn’t imagine not being able to enjoy them properly.”…

Laser Eye Surgery – The Best Gift You Can Give Yourself

Ofra had suffered with sight problems almost all her life getting her first pair of glasses at the age of just two and a half. Ten years ago she began using contact lenses and reading glasses; but recently – due to suffering from very dry eyes – she had been struggling with the lenses. For Ofra, a keen and accomplished Iyenger yoga teacher, this was an added inconvenience…

Laser Eye Surgery Is Magical

Many London Vision Clinic patients have referred to their treatments as “miraculous” and the surgeons who performed their laser eye surgery as “miracle workers”; but few might realise that – although he cannot actually perform miracles – Dr Dan is an accomplished amateur magician……

An Invitation To The Magic Circle

The Magic Circle headquarters in London is, as you might expect, an intriguing place.
If you happen to stumble in by accident – which, given its deliberate anonymity and discreet security is exceedingly unlikely – you would just know that you had found a magical haven……