Quick guide: Laser Eye Surgery recovery

Quick guide: Laser Eye Surgery recovery Which part of the body heals the fastest? How about the skin: the largest organ in the body and our outer barrier to the world that has to endure scratching, scrapes, cuts, abrasions, burns, and a whole heap of abuse every day. Or what about something like the liver? Our largest internal organ that never stops filtering blood, supporting the digestive system, and detoxifying the barrage of chemicals and toxins we pound it with. Well,…

Laser Eye Surgery really is transformational

Laser eye surgery really is transformational When you hear that Laser Eye Surgery is performed over fifteen thousands times every year in just the UK, it’s difficult to really get a sense of what that means. That’s thousands of people’s who’ve had their lives transformed in pretty much an instant. Young and old people, mothers and daughters, charity workers and CEOs; they all suffered in one form or another from poor vision, and Laser Eye Surgery was able to help them…

What’s The Secret To Great LASIK Surgery Aftercare?

What’s The Secret To Great LASIK Surgery Aftercare? Trust is vital no matter what area of your body or health you’re dealing with. But with Laser Eye Surgery being more widely available than almost any other medical treatment, this statement is ever truer when it comes to fixing your eyes. But when we talk about trust, we don’t just mean you have a “good feeling” about the clinic or surgeon. We mean they have a proven track record of treating…

What Can You Do To Reduce Dry Eyes

What Can You Do To Reduce Dry Eyes Irritated, itchy, and dry. That’s how millions of people around the world would describe the condition of their eyes on a daily basis. If this sounds familiar, then you may not only have an inconvenient and uncomfortable situation on your hands but something more serious to your vision and long-term eye health. This is dry eye syndrome or keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS). And although it’s affecting an increasing number of people, it’s still often brushed off…

What post-operative care you should expect after Laser Eye Surgery

What post-operative care you should expect after Laser Eye Surgery It’s the weeks leading up to Laser Eye Surgery when you put the extra time in to make sure you’re fully prepared for the procedure and it fits nicely into your life. And most people believe that, once the treatment comes, all of that is over, and you’re free to enjoy the results and get back to your normal routine. But the process doesn’t end as soon as you hop…

Can I fly after laser surgery?

Can I fly after laser surgery? As a nation, we’re utterly obsessed with jumping on planes and spending our hard earned time as far away as possible. We put ourselves through the mind-numbing process of packing, endure endless delays, and cram ourselves into seats unsuitable for anyone bigger than a five-year-old. Even if it’s just for a few nights away. But none of this matters — it’s always worth it. And we’re just as quick to do it all over again. After…

PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision surgery recovery time

PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision surgery recovery time If you know a little bit about PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision, you may have noticed it treats the symptoms of presbyopia in a similar way to the traditional approach of monovision. This is indeed true. Both treatments work by increasing the range of your vision by independently altering the focus of each eye — one to work better up close, and the other to work better at a distance. But the similarities end there….

Our most popular posts of 2016

Our most popular posts of 2016 2016 was dominated by what’s been called “a political earthquake”. And when looking back, an earthquake is a fitting metaphor to describe the year as a whole. Brexit, chaotic weather, exploding smartphones, the Zika virus, explosions in airports, the death of stars and political legends, and, not forgetting, surprise reality star presidents. Many things happened in 2016 that shook the world to its core. But aside from the tragedies and political upsets, there was…

How long to get used to blended vision?

How long does it take to get used to Blended Vision? Presbyopia, or age related reading vision changes, can cause eye strain and headaches, reduces your ability to read small print and makes it near enough impossible to do anything close-up. And if that wasn’t enough, when you look for a solution for it, you’re bound to come away even more frustrated. For something that impacts millions of people around the world — 11 million in the US alone — and is…

Drinking after LASIK

Drinking after LASIK In the hours and days after having Laser Eye Surgery, you’re sure to feel like celebrating. Suddenly the troubles you’ve put up with for so long have vanished, and you’re able to see the world with greater clarity and with greater freedom. Each morning you awake to the surprise that you no longer need to fiddle with contact lenses or fumble for your glasses to start your day. There are no longer any restrictions on which activities and…