What Should I Do to Prepare For Laser Eye Surgery? [VIDEO]

Prior to the actual procedure itself there is not much the patient really needs to do to prepare themselves for the actual treatment. We ask people on the day of the treatment to avoid any cologne or perfumes as well as hairspray, for ladies to remove any eye makeup and mascara, eyeliner, and eye shadow and also to avoid any woollen clothing to be worn during the actual procedure….

How To Choose A Laser Eye Surgery Clinic [VIDEO]

How To Choose A Laser Eye Surgery Clinic Making the decision to have Laser Eye Surgery can be a daunting one – no matter how safe and effective the treatment is. When it comes to our eyes, you understandably want to be as informed as possible about the procedure – not least to answer just some of the countless questions whirling around your head: “Which clinic is the best?”; “How much will it cost?”; “Which treatment is right for me?”…

[VIDEO] Understanding the Evolution of Laser Eye Surgery: How Does it Work?

Understanding the Evolution of Laser Eye Surgery: How Does it Work? In the modern world that we all find ourselves in – wandering around with masterpieces of modern technology tucked in our pockets; with the potential to have life-changing surgery at our fingertips – it can be easy to distance ourselves from our history. I mean, can you imagine a time when you couldn’t ask ‘Google’ to answer a fleeting and inconsequential query at least five times a day? A…

Post-LASIK patients risk of halos and starbursts around bright lights at night

Post-LASIK patients risk of halos and starbursts around bright lights at night Side effects are never a wanted accompaniment to any type of treatment – whether expected or not. But the reality is that side effects occur with almost all kinds of medical and surgical treatments – and the same applies to Laser Eye Surgery. Therefore, it is always best to be aware of what you can expect when you have treatment. For example, what are the common side effects and…

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If…? And Other Suitability Questions

‘Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If…?’ And Other Suitability Questions When it comes to Laser Eye Surgery, suitability for treatment is the most important consideration made by our surgeons. Now, you might think that if one clinic tells you you are unsuitable for Laser Eye Surgery, you can expect the same answer at any other clinic. I mean, this is the case for many typical surgical procedures, right? That is, any surgical procedures that are subject to standardised regulations….

Laser Eye Surgery vs Lens Replacement

Laser Eye Surgery vs Lens Replacement If you are looking into eye surgery treatment, it is likely you have come across a huge number of potential treatments during your research. You may be left feeling confused about what separates all of these treatment options. For example, what is the difference between Laser Eye Surgery and Lens Replacement? Well, fear not – we’re here to tell you. Lens replacement surgery is a relatively common eye surgery treatment. In fact, over 300,000…

What is the minimum prescription for Laser Eye Surgery?

What is the minimum prescription for Laser Eye Surgery? Laser Eye Surgery has become increasingly accessible and popular in recent years; in fact, most people probably now know someone who has had it done. This popularity is largely thanks to continued innovation that has helped to make Laser Eye Surgery an option for more people than ever before. The benefits of treatment are immense. Not only can Laser Eye Surgery improve your vision and reduce your dependency on visual aides,…

Will LASIK Eye Surgery Be Replaced With SMILE?

Will LASIK Laser Eye Surgery Be Replaced With SMILE? For over two decades, LASIK has been the most popular form of Laser Eye Surgery, granting millions of people around the world freedom from glasses and contact lenses. But will the growing availability of ReLEx SMILE surgery see LASIK become obsolete? Since the inception of Laser Eye Surgery in the early 1980s, the vision correction field has been at the forefront of surgical innovation. Technology and knowledge are evolving and improving…

SMILE vs. LASIK vs. Surface Ablation

SMILE vs LASIK vs Surface Ablation For centuries, the go-to resolution for refractory conditions has been glasses, followed later on by contact lenses. While these options were both revolutionary in their time – and continue to offer significant results for millions – there is a new kid in town. The inception of Laser Eye Surgery four decades ago introduced a new era of elective procedures and promised to reduce our dependence on easily-lost glasses, and inconvenient contacts. But, the increasing…

Laser Eye Surgery for Long-Sightedness

Laser Eye Surgery for Long Sightedness For those of us that are short-sighted, it can often be tempting to wish for the other side of the coin. Surely, long-sightedness must be preferable? I wouldn’t have to worry about looking in the mirror and becoming concerned with wrinkles, spots, or the bags under my eyes – I wouldn’t be able to see them! In my naïveté, I may also assume that long-sightedness would make it easier to block out distractions or…