The Truth Is Out There

The Truth Is Out There!

One of the main things that has struck me since being associated with the London Vision Clinic and writing this blog is the amount of misinformation that still exists about Laser Eye Surgery.

Among the major fallacies would have to be that the need for reading glasses (aging eyes or presbyopia) cannot be corrected successfully by the laser. Alongside this is a disproportionate fear which prevents so many people from considering Laser Eye Surgery and – oddly perhaps -even from finding out more about it.

Of course, those hundreds of happy, LVC blended-vision patients know the first to be completely untrue and, we also have it on record, that the most common post surgery reaction is: “I wish I’d had it done sooner!” I can only imagine the frustration felt by Dr Dan and other members of the team in social situations at having to constantly explain  and, in some cases, even justify their work.

It’s one thing, despite being well informed,  feeling apprehensive before surgery -it is after all an operation. But I find it difficult to understand the people who say “Oh, no, I’d never have that done”, when they don’t know anything about ‘that’ and what ‘having it done’ would actually entail.

This is why everyone associated with the LVC  is delighted to read headlines like the recent one in “new!” celebrity magazine which actually delivers what it promises: “The truth about Laser Eye Surgery”; and then – in a slightly smaller font -“With more and more celebs zapping their eyesight, ‘new!’ investigates how safe this procedure is”.

The article that follows is not especially deep or detailed; but it is clear and easy to read and includes personal insight by the magazine’s features director, Patrick Strudwick who had his short-sighted eyes corrected at the LVC. He writes about being especially impressed not only by the clinic’s equipment and biscuit selection (which we all know is there for a reason), but also the amount of time taken by his surgeon, Glenn Carp, to explain the entire procedure and patiently answer all his questions.

Image Source: wordpress.com

Categories: Laser eye surgery