Will My Results Be Better If I Have Laser Eye Surgery At A Younger Age?

Will My Results Be Better If I Have Laser Eye Surgery At A Younger Age? Our extensive and rigorous screening process at London Vision Clinic determines your suitability for Laser Eye Surgery regardless of age. However, at the London Vision Clinic we do not treat some younger people under the age of 21. This is because in some cases there are certain underlying medical conditions of the eye that do not present themselves until a certain age. This is mainly…

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery When I Have Conjunctivitis?

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery When I Have Conjunctivitis? Conjunctivitis, also referred to as pink eye or Madras eye, is an inflammation of  the inner surface of the eyelids and of the outermost layer of the eye. Most commonly conjunctivitis is caused by a viral infection or an allergic reaction, but bacterial infections and chemical eye injury can also be the cause. Symptoms include red eye, irritation and watering of the eyes. Bacterial and viral forms of conjunctivitis are highly…

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Ulcers In My Eye?

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Ulcers In My Eye? Corneal ulcers, or ulcerative keratitis, is an inflammatory or infective corneal condition. Corneal ulcers are fairly common eye diseases and can be caused by a number of things, including trauma, chemical injury, infections and contact lenses.  If you wear contact lenses we can almost certainly help you get rid of them and decrease your risk of developing corneal ulcers due to contact lenses. However, you might already…

Ways To Avoid Eye Strain

In this crazy, modern, techy world that we live in, we don’t take it easy on our eyes. Today many jobs require that we spend hours and hours in front of computer screens. Many people even elect to read on computer screens rather than actual books. With that being said, books are sometimes not much of an optical improvement. Eye strain can cause dryness, migraines and, later down the road, permanent vision problems….

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I have Ptosis? [video]

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I have Ptosis? Our uniquely rigorous screening process allows us to safely treat many cases that other surgeons, with less detailed knowledge of your eyes and technically less advanced equipment, would consider borderline or even unsuitable. We use the revolutionary Artemis Insight 100™ scanner, which was co-invented by Professor Reinstein, with which we can map each individual layer of your cornea to one micron – 1,000th of a millimetre. Nobody else takes as…