Laser Eye Surgery finance choices

Laser Eye Surgery finance choices   Napolean allegedly said we’re a nation of shopkeepers, suggesting that England’s riches and wealth was all thanks to good old commerce. And who can argue with that — as a nation, there’s nothing we love more than to shop. And so when it comes to hitting the high street or online stores to buy our goods and services, there’s certainly no shortage of options to help us do so. One of which is rapidly growing in…

How Much is Laser Eye Surgery Worth to You?

How Much is Laser Eye Surgery Worth to You? No matter how many people around the world have Laser Eye Surgery, there’ll always be folks who feel overly nervous about the procedure and remain on the fence about whether or not it’s worth it for them. It’s understandable: your vision is an invaluable part of your life and you should do everything you can to take the best possible care of it and your eyes. However, when it gets in…

Can I Finance The Deposit Laser Eye Surgery?

Yes, you can finance the deposit but we still require to take it in full at the time of booking the appointment. However, once you are found suitable for treatment and we put your application through, we can add the deposit to the finance and refund the deposit back onto the card that it was paid with….