Travelling from Abroad for Laser Eye Surgery?

For the majority of London Vision Clinic patients, the waiting time before their surgery, although exciting, can also be an anxious period. However, when Jill Shardlow had her operation two years ago there was no opportunity for her to feel nervous… when the big moment arrived, it was all rather unexpected….

The True Price of Cheap Laser Eye Surgery

The True Price of Cheap Laser Eye Surgery Let’s face it, we all love a bargain. Whether it’s a great deal on a package holiday or a buy-one-get-one-free offer on our favourite grocery product; however, when it comes to something as important as our health, should we really be offering to compromise treatment for the sake of a cheap deal? Moreover, how many times have you thought you were savvy by opting for the cheaper version of a product, only…

What are the Finance Options for Laser Eye Surgery?

What are the Finance Options for Laser Eye Surgery? There’s no getting around it: High-quality Laser Eye Surgery isn’t cheap. So many people are relieved to find out that, as with many other investments, finance options are often available for Laser Eye Surgery – including here at the London Vision Clinic. Napoleon is widely credited with referring to England as a nation of shopkeepers (or l’Angleterre est une nation de boutiquiers); a comment that was meant to be derisive; however,…

Refractive Surgeon Chooses Dan Reinstein for Presbyopia Treatment

Refractive Surgeon Chooses Dan Reinstein for His Surgery Since it was founded over two decades ago, the London Vision Clinic has treated tens of thousands of patients from all over the world. During this time, we have seen people from every walk of life enter our treatment room – including other refractive surgeons. Our access to the latest technology and Laser Eye Surgery techniques – often pioneered by our very own founder and surgeon, Professor Dan Reinstein – has secured…

Where Does My Laser Eye Surgery Treatment Take Place?

The surgical procedures are done here at the London Vision Clinic. We have fully operational surgery room in our basement, patients arrive on the surgery day, there is a nice waiting area for them to relax in, nice and quiet in the basement area. They are seen by one of the nursing staff who run through their preoperative medicines and this is then followed by the treatments and then subsequent to that is a recovery area where they can relax prior to going home….

Exceptional Care That’s Not Just for the Rich and Famous

London Vision Clinic patients come from all over the UK; in fact from throughout Europe – or, in the interest of accuracy, they also originate from other countries even further afield … they are a truly international bunch.They come in all shapes and sizes – an eclectic mix across a wide age range –each individual drawn together in a common cause……

From London, SA to London, UK – Why it’s hard to leave London Vision Clinic

From London, SA to London, UK – Why it’s hard to leave London Vision Clinic Twenty years ago, our expert Laser Eye Surgeon, Mr Glenn Carp, left the sunny climes of South Africa to learn the tricks of the Laser Eye Surgery trade alongside Professor Dan Reinsten at London Vision Clinic. But while he is now a welcome fixture at our Harley Street clinic, Glenn initially only planned to stay for a year. So, what is it about London Vision…