Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Night Vision Disturbances? [VIDEO]

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Night Vision Disturbances? Traditionally, Laser Eye Surgery has had some limitations which meant that certain patients were unsuitable for treatment. This may have been due to the extent of their prescription, the thickness of the corneas, or the presence of certain health conditions. But while some of these limitations may remain, advancements in technology and expertise mean that more people are now suitable for treatment than ever before – including those…

Eye Health Q&A with Expert Laser Eye Surgeon Prof. Dan Reinstein

Eye Health Q&A with Expert Laser Eye Surgeon Prof. Dan Reinstein In our busy modern lives, it can be surprisingly easy to forget about one of the most important assets we have – our eyes. While many of us take our vision for granted every day, expert Laser Eye Surgeon Professor Dan Reinstein is explaining why it is so important to be on our toes when it comes to our eye health. In your opinion, do people generally take good…

Is Laser Eye Surgery Worth the Cost?

Everyone has different factors driving the decision on Lasik Eye Surgery. For some the cost and slight risk is not worth the investment. For others however, the surgery pays off a million times in the improvement of quality of life, boost to self esteem, convenience, cost and effort of maintaining glasses or contact lenses wear. Read more to help weight up the pros and cons in this highly personal decision….

What Is Wavefront-Guided LASIK? [Video]

What is Wavefront-Guided LASIK? If you’ve been considering having Laser Eye Surgery to correct your refractive error, you may have set out to do some research on the topic. If this is the case, it is likely that you have come across more jargon than your sanity can deal with – and one of the unfamiliar words that you might now be wondering about is ‘wavefront’. So, what is wavefront and what does it have to do with Laser Eye…

Do Laser Eye Surgery Results Differ Between Clinics?

Do Laser Eye Surgery Results Differ Between Clinics? If you’ve been considering Laser Eye Surgery for a while, you may have started to do your own research to identify the best clinic for you. When conducting this research, it is likely that you will have noticed a few variations between the clinics you’ve consulted. While the most noticeable of these differences may be in the advertised price, it is also important to consider the results of each clinic to be…