More Mums And Baby Bumps: London Vision Clinic Family Grows
This post was written in 2012 and was correct at the time of writing.

The possible mystical powers of an office chair were at first thought to be responsible – however, as time went by and the situation spread to other areas of the London Vision Clinic, this theory was eliminated. Today, the reasons are no longer debated as the facts speak for themselves: with four members of the team currently on maternity leave and diaries filling with baby showers, due dates and new birthday, it cannot be ignored that the London Vision Clinic family is fast expanding.
Lead clinic coordinator, Mary was among the first to become pregnant at 138 Harley Street. Her son Micah (her second child) made a sudden and unexpected arrival two weeks ahead of schedule at her South London home three years ago. Her neighbours called the police when they heard her cries. “It was like in a movie”, said Mary who is also Mum to thirteen year old Ricky. A short time before Micah’s birth – and in the last days before taking maternity leave – Mary had played a prank on colleagues by pretending to be in labour… when it comes to unplanned births and not making it to the hospital on time it could be a case of being careful what you joke about.
Clinic administrator, Bhadra, is currently on her second nine-month maternity leave after the birth of a baby sister for two year old Ayesha. Also known as the London Vision Clinic’s “keeper of the diary” with overall responsibility for the bespoke computerised system which handles all the appointments for patients’ eye tests, checks and scans as well as surgical slots, her work duties are currently being shared out between her colleagues. Baby showers have become a frequent event at 138 Harley Street. Bhadra’s recent party featured home-made baking contributions from her workmates and, with an exceptionally delicious array of tea time treats to share, this baking theme was so popular that it is expected to be repeated at future baby showers.
Patient care coordinator, Katy is currently enjoying being a mum to little Ted Baker who arrived at the end of September; while Anna is now back behind her desk for three days a week after taking a year off to look after Maya who is now 18 months old.

Most of the administration and organisation involved in arranging maternity cover falls on the office manager, Emma Pinker. Emma recently returned to this role after taking eight and a half months off to enjoy her baby son Otto. Fortunately, her dates allowed a hand-over period with Dani who, while pregnant herself, was able to step into Emma’s shoes. Dani, who is expecting a baby boy at the beginning of January, was then able to hand the reins back to Emma before the start of her year-long maternity leave a few weeks ago.
“Apart from Dani and me, no other pregnancies have yet coincided in the same team at the same time, so arranging cover has been relatively straightforward”, explains a rather relieved Emma who is enjoying her new role as a working Mum.
“I loved being a full time Mum – mixing with other mothers and surrounding myself with babies and baby talk – but there came a time when I realised it would also be nice to be back in the workplace and have other conversations.
“During a normal busy day there isn’t much time to think about him, but the moment I get ready to leave I find I can’t get home quickly enough. I love picking him up from his nursery and seeing his huge grin, when he sees me he comes crawling over as fast as he can.”

Otto is now ten months old and like all working mothers, Emma has to be super-organised to make sure that her home and professional life run smoothly.
“There is always an adjustment period when you first return to work after having a baby. In my case I am lucky because Otto loves his nursery. At first I was almost disappointed that he didn’t seem to mind the separation – he wasn’t upset at saying good bye. At the beginning I think I was unhappy than he was!”