What Effects Can City Life Have On Your Eyes?

What Effects Can City Life Have On Your Eyes? Living and working in a big city like London can be great. The transport links are convenient, the food options are outstanding, and the nightlife is exceptional. But with all these benefits, city life can undoubtedly take a toll on our eyes. From air pollution and lighting to crowded underground stations and bright screens, our eyes face a barrage of stimuli, yet we barely even blink at the thought of long-term…

Harley Street: The Home to London Vision Clinic (and Medical History)

Harley Street: The Home to London Vision Clinic (and Medical History) Walking down Harley Street today, you will find yourself in a long line of renowned medical institutions ordained with London’s famous blue plaques signalling the famous folk who have lived and worked here in the past. In fact, Harley Street is known the world over as a centre for medical excellence, and it is also the home to our state-of-the-art Laser Eye Surgery clinic. A Brief History of Harley…

Can London Vision Clinic Correct Or Fix My Previous Laser Eye Surgery?

Can London Vision Clinic Correct Or Fix My Previous Laser Eye Surgery? Ongoing developments in technology mean that Laser Eye Surgery is now an option for more people than ever before. For example, here at London Vision Clinic, we can treat around 98% of the patients that we see. We can even treat much higher prescriptions than the norm, thanks to our access to the most innovative, state-of-the-art technology and the unrivalled expertise of our surgeons. But what about if you…

Is Laser Eye Surgery Worth the Cost?

Everyone has different factors driving the decision on Lasik Eye Surgery. For some the cost and slight risk is not worth the investment. For others however, the surgery pays off a million times in the improvement of quality of life, boost to self esteem, convenience, cost and effort of maintaining glasses or contact lenses wear. Read more to help weight up the pros and cons in this highly personal decision….

Do Laser Eye Surgery Results Differ Between Clinics?

Do Laser Eye Surgery Results Differ Between Clinics? If you’ve been considering Laser Eye Surgery for a while, you may have started to do your own research to identify the best clinic for you. When conducting this research, it is likely that you will have noticed a few variations between the clinics you’ve consulted. While the most noticeable of these differences may be in the advertised price, it is also important to consider the results of each clinic to be…

Why Choose An Independent Laser Eye Surgery Clinic?

Why Choose an Independent Laser Eye Surgery Clinic? Striving to be the best Making the decision to go ahead with Laser Eye Surgery can be a long and difficult process – after all, there are a lot of things to consider. Perhaps the most important of these considerations, though, is choosing the right clinic for your treatment. Do you opt for convenience and cost-saving at a high-street clinic or are the numerous benefits offered at independent clinics more important? The…

How Regulated is the Laser Eye Surgery Industry?

How Regulated is the Laser Eye Surgery Industry? In the grand scheme of the history of medicine, Laser Eye Surgery is still an extremely new procedure. Yet, since its standardisation around three decades ago, it has quickly become the most popular elective surgery in the world. These days, more than 100,000 people opt to have Laser Eye Surgery each year in the UK alone. The persisting popularity of the treatment is largely owed to its high success rate. In turn,…