Laser Eye Surgery for older patients

Laser Eye Surgery for older patients The last thing you want as you get older is to have surgery. The uncomfortable feeling of being in hospital, the lengthy recovery times, the hassle and expense — not to mention the worry the procedure won’t work as desired. But all that is nothing compared to if the surgery is directly related to the fact you’re getting older. Like you don’t feel awkward enough with your gown and bare buttocks, you have the…

Your private invitation to Harley Street

Your private invitation to Harley Street Nestled between two of the capital’s four Royal Parks — Regents and Hyde — as well as the Queen’s very own resting place — Buckingham Palace — is where you’ll find Harley Street, the infamous medical hub, and one of the most prestigious postcodes in the nation’s capital. When I say prestigious, I don’t mean like Kensington Palace Gardens or certain parts of Belgravia where average property prices can be in the tens of…

Visit us on Facebook

Visit us on Facebook You wouldn’t think it, but working as a freelancer there are many times I miss being in a big office and working under the iron thumb of a boss. For one, I wouldn’t suddenly decide to take an extended lunch break when I have a deadline to meet the next morning; they also probably wouldn’t stand for my clothes rack/kitchen counter/desk either. But the main impact having a stern face looming over me would be in cutting down the endless hours I spend…

Is it worth travelling to London for Laser Eye Surgery if you live in Leeds?

Is it worth travelling to London for Laser Eye Surgery if you live in Leeds? Getting from Leeds to London used to be an awkward affair that took an age to plan and even longer to arrive. Today within less than two and a half hours you can be in the nation’s capital, sipping a hot latte down by the Thames or exploring the depths of The British Museum, all for the cost of a nice lunch in Leeds (well, maybe…

The number one reason Londoners have Laser Eye Surgery

The number one reason Londoners have Laser Eye Surgery Along with the likes of New York, Paris and Tokyo, London is known as one of the world’s leading global cities. The capital has become a central hub and a magnet for talent, drawing people from all over the globe and producing world-class performers in everything from the arts and media to finance and healthcare. It’s unsurprising then that ever since the 19th century, London has been a centre of medical…

A post operative guide to Laser Eye Surgery

A post operative guide to Laser Eye Surgery The moment you sit forward in the chair and glance around the room,  discovering you can see fine details up close, or that the hands of the clock in the distance are now sharp and crisp, is incomparable to any other. It’s this moment that—after several weeks or months of waiting and preparing—patients look forward to most. But all doesn’t end here. Although you can nip down to the high street, find…

A Lifetime Of Glasses Or Laser Eye Surgery?

 A Lifetime Of Glasses Or Laser Eye Surgery? A childhood friend of my was christened early by his peers with the name of ‘foggy’, simply because his glasses would always fog up when the temperature suddenly changed. It’s a silly story, but it touches on an important point that is part of a much larger problem for the frequent glasses wearer. Waking up to a blurry alarm clock, struggling to find where you placed them last, breaking a lens, going…

LASIK Safety & Patient Satisfaction

LASIK Safety & Patient Satisfaction LASIK is known as one of the most common—and safest—methods of refractive surgery to date. And now we have a comprehensive FDA study to confirm it. The study set in stone what many of the worlds leading surgeons, as well as the vast majority of the 20 millions recipients of the surgery, have long believed to be true; that LASIK is safe, effective, and extremely cost-efficient. The study involved surveying LASIK patients about their visual…

Laser Eye Surgery Social Media Roundup – Mar-15

Laser Eye Surgery Social Media Roundup – Mar-15 In this month’s social media roundup, we look at the Laser Eye Surgery topics that have been trending, and some of the conversations that caught our eyes. It’s always good to hear from previous patients and find out how they are getting on months & years after having Laser Eye Surgery at London Vision Clinic. Here are a few updates on we’ve had on Twitter recently: Cocker Spaniel @English_Cocker · Mar 26…

Laser Eye Surgery Social Media Roundup – Feb-15

Laser Eye Surgery Social Media Roundup – Feb-15 In our monthly social media roundups, we look at what Laser Eye Surgery topics have been trending, and some of the conversations that caught our eyes in February. On 17th Feb, Phillip Schofield posted: “Well, Mrs S has had her eyes lasered by Prof Dan Reinstein at the LVC… She’s thrilled with the result, I’m concerned that she can now see me clearly first thing in the morning!” Phillip Schofield also had…