Do Laser Eye Surgery Results Correlate With Costs?

Consumers find it difficult to make comparisons between laser eye surgery providers, as there is no consistent approach to pricing. Some providers have one all-inclusive price and others don’t package their services. This results in some cases is that prospective patients can be at best confused and at worst misled by laser eye surgery marketing practices. However, the key thing to note is that substantial quality differences DO exist across providers. Read more about the factors to compare when assessing pricing for laser eye surgery….

Why Does the Cost of Laser Eye Surgery Differ Between Clinics?

The laser eye surgery industry is a minefield, there are a lot of different levels of patient care and the pricing structures vary considerably between clinics compared to London Vision Clinic. At London Vision Clinic, the simple pricing approach involves offering patients a full all inclusive package, lessens the confusion. Read more about why surgery prices vary between clinics….

What causes night-time side effects after Laser Eye Surgery? And can they be treated? [VIDEO]

After laser eye surgery, every patient will experience night glare. This is because of swelling due to the actual treatment itself and this happens to every patient regardless of their original prescription, their age etc. This swelling takes approximately three months to settle, and after this time period most patients will get very little night vision glare interrupting their vision. If patients still have residual night vision glare after this time, testing can be performed to ascertain where that night vision glare is originating from and determine what can be done to resolve the issue….

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Macular Degeneration? [VIDEO]

Can I have Laser Eye Surgery if I have Macular Degeneration? Macular degeneration is a visual condition that affects millions of people worldwide. In fact, it is the leading cause of sight loss in the UK, with an estimated 600,000 people affected. The condition is often associated with ageing (age-related macular degeneration), however, it is a genetic condition that can affect people of all ages. The most common type of macular degeneration, which involves the thinning of the retina, is…

Can I Go Blind After Laser Eye Surgery? [VIDEO]

A big question, can I go blind after laser eye surgery? The answer to that, (in theory) is yes. There have been reported cases around the world where people have lost extensive vision after laser eye surgery. These cases are extremely rare. It would take a series of events to happen, very unfortunate events, to leave the person in a predicament where they lost all their vision….