The London Vision Clinic Top Research Team Proves Themselves At The ESCRS In Vienna 2011

The London Vision Clinic research team were a significant presence at this year’s meeting of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS).
At the annual meeting held in Vienna in September medical director Prof Dan Reinstein, surgeon Glenn Carp as well as the clinic´s research manager, Tim Archer, and research optometrist Marine Gobbe, shared their findings with thousands of ophthalmologists and optometrists from around the world.
The London Vision Clinic’s attitude towards research places it in a unique position in the UK and one of only a few other private centres globally.
“We are currently publishing on average one research paper a month”, said Tim. “This puts us within the top ten laser research centres – including university departments – in the world.”
The full time research team who monitor and evaluate the results of every procedure carried out in the clinic play a crucial role in making sure that patients always get the best possible results from their Laser Eye Surgery. Few other laser surgeons monitor their outcomes scientifically and those who do only review a small sample of their total procedures and rarely publish these in peer-reviewed medical journals or present them at specialist conferences.
Among the findings revealed by these statistics was the fact that the surgeons operating at the London Vision Clinic achieve identical results. From a patient’s point of view, it makes absolutely no difference which surgeon performs their procedure. From 2006 when Glenn Carp became the second member of the clinic´s surgical team, his clinical outcomes have always been exactly the same as the clinic’s medical director and founder, Dr Dan. Their results for short-sighted patients presented to the conference show that over 96% of eyes have 20/20 vision or better one year after surgery.
The London Vision Clinic team at Vienna – which included five optometrists, seven nurses and members of the administration department – all had a packed diary of instructional courses and talks to attend.
The London Vision Clinic research team also shared their findings related to treatment options for presbyopia and research generated from analysis of Artemis Insight 100 layered corneal thickness data.
Tim, who is also an expert computer programmer, presented a study demonstrating that using a measurement of inside the eye taken with the Artemis Insight 100 ultrasound scanner, which was co-invented by Dr Dan, can improve the safety of intra-ocular lens surgery.
Dr Dan was invited to speak at several symposiums including one on corneal compensation of presbyopia (ageing eyes); on treatment strategy for patients with irregular astigmatism after refractive surgery and in keratoconus (a degenerative disorder of the eye which causes the cornea to thin and change shape). He also presented a course on PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision on behalf of Carl Zeiss Meditec.
Dr Dan also managed to find time to pick up his saxophone and perform alongside a retina specialist Thomas Pfleger on guitar together with a group of professional musicians at three jazz concerts which were held at Vienna’s popular Porgy and Bess jazz club.