Jam-Jar Glasses For A Lifetime?

People with high prescriptions and complicated vision problems – especially those who have worn their glasses for a very long time – may well remember “jam-jar” or “coke-bottle” glasses as an object of embarrassment from their schooldays. Practical, yes – but fashionable? …

Life In ‘2020’ When Glasses No Longer Exist…

Life In ‘2020’ When Glasses No Longer Exist… It’s strange to think that just a few years ago, people were wearing glasses. Though it seems alien to us now, it was perfectly normal to carry a ‘pair of specs’ around with you to use for reading. How prehistoric! People were actually too nervous to correct their vision, and instead opted for the inconvenience, expense and hassle that reading glasses entailed. How times have changed… Imagine the annoyance of having to…

Essential Advice On Eye Health

Essential Advice on Eye Health

Last year, National Eye Health Week reminded us all of the importance of regular eye tests. It’s recommended we have our eyes examined at least every two years, not only to ensure they’re healthy, but also to check for changes to our current prescriptions….

The 10 Most Frequent Places to Lose Your Reading Glasses

It happens to the best of us. You need your reading glasses but when you go to grab them from your bag, or you desk, or your head, they’re no longer there! You’ve left them somewhere… Again! (Queue frustration and mild self-loathing.)

Here’s our list of the top-ten most common places to misplace your specs:…

How exactly does laser vision correction work? [VIDEO]

Laser vision correction works on the principal whereby when light enters the eye, it is bent incorrectly to meet at a finite point at the retina, so by applying a laser to the surface of the eye we are able to change the shape of the surface of the eye to correspond to the refractive error that the patient has and thereby allowing the light to be properly focused, so that it reaches the actual retinal plane in a very precise manner….