Can I bring someone with me when I come for my Laser Eye Surgery?

laser eye surgery patient at london vision clinic

Our eyes are arguably our most important – and often our most taken-for-granted – asset. We use them at every waking hour; they dictate how we see the world, how we interact with other people, and how we navigate and keep ourselves out of harm’s way.

Sometimes, though, these incredible organs may require a little TLC. Laser Eye Surgery has become an incredibly popular and effective option when it comes to giving your vision an upgrade. However, the prospect of having surgery on your eyes can obviously make even the bravest person feel a little uneasy.

Let’s face it, for most people even the thought of having someone touching your eyes with strange, unfamiliar instruments is enough to kickstart a panic.

In our experience, however, most of these fears are quickly dispelled once a patient speaks with a friendly and knowledgeable Laser Eye surgeon. The panic usually subsides once people realise that Laser Eye Surgery is one of the most common – and safest – elective procedures in the world!

However, we understand that when undergoing any kind of procedure, having someone you know on hand for support can often help with any remaining nerves and fears.

At London Vision Clinic, you are welcome to bring one or two people with you on the day of your Laser Eye Surgery. However, it is recommended that you don’t bring children to the clinic.

While many people take their vision for granted, things can often change in the blink of an eye. When for whatever reason, you take the decision to undergo Laser Eye Surgery, it is only natural to experience some last-minute nerves and doubts. In these moments, a reassuring smile from a loved one can often work wonders to set your mind at ease.

Before the Procedure

Here at London Vision Clinic, we understand the power of a familiar presence at such an uneasy time. Before you undergo Laser Eye Surgery, our nurses will sit with you to explain more about the process. Your companion is more than welcome to accompany you at this time.

In fact, this can be helpful as it can often feel like there is a lot of information to absorb, considering best practices, aftercare, and recovery. A friend or relative can help to make sure you get all the answers you need to put your mind at ease.

During the procedure, your companion will be asked to wait in the seating area. This is because the operating room is restricted to medically-trained staff or personnel. This is to ensure the clinic upholds operating standards and that equipment remains sterile. But don’t worry, they will be there when you get out of the operating room!

Following the Procedure

Furthermore, it can also be helpful to have an extra pair of hands (and eyes!) on hand following the procedure.

In the hours following Laser Eye Surgery, it is recommended that you rest your eyes. This will mean that you will not be able to drive yourself home. Taking public transport after your procedure is also not recommended as this can be tiring and disorientating (especially the London Underground!).

You may also find it helpful to bring someone along to your aftercare appointments. While you will no longer need another pair of eyes to help you get around, your companion will be able to ask any questions of their own to make sure everything is perfectly in place for you to enjoy your new life of improved vision.

You can find out more about the day of your Laser Eye Surgery procedure, here. Alternatively, Book a Consultation with one of our friendly Laser Eye Surgery experts below, or give us a call on 020 7224 1005.

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