Going on Holiday After Laser Eye Surgery? What You Need to Know

If you’re hoping to jet off somewhere warm and sunny this summer, or perhaps planning a city break or even a skiing holiday, you might be concerned that scheduling your Laser Eye Surgery treatment could get in the way. But don’t worry! We’ve put together this article explaining everything you need to know about going on holiday after Laser Eye Surgery.

So, let’s start at the beginning: How soon will you be able to go on holiday after Laser Eye Surgery?

A Speedy Recovery for Impatient Travellers

The good news is that for the vast majority of patients, recovery from Laser Eye Surgery is an extremely speedy process. In fact, many patients can return to work and several other normal activities the very next day!

Travelling by Car and Public Transport

This is particularly good if you’re planning on travelling to your holiday destination by car. While we advise patients to avoid driving for at least 24 hours after treatment, up to 98% of patients will be up to driving standards the day after the procedure. Your surgeon will confirm this at your 1-day follow-up appointment.

Likewise, it is recommended that you avoid public transport as much as possible immediately after your treatment. This is because trains, buses, and the underground can contain high levels of dust and bacteria which could put you at a higher risk of infection. However, again, you should be able to resume your normal habits within a day or two.

This means, that if your preferred mode of transport is car or train, you could be enjoying your holiday within just a couple of days of your procedure! But what about if you’re heading further afield?

Travelling by Plane

You might have booked a beach holiday months ago, or perhaps you want to be spontaneous and start enjoying your new vision as soon as possible. No doubt freeing your vision from glasses and contact lenses will help to make any future holidays even more special, but will you have to rethink your trip abroad if you have just had Laser Eye Surgery?

Well, in short: no! In the vast majority of cases, having Laser Eye Surgery shouldn’t keep you off that plane for long. In fact, most patients will be fit for flying in just a day or two. However, there are some important things to bear in mind.

Keep your eyes hydrated:

Plane cabins are famous for their dry environment. These days, it’s common to see people applying face masks to protect against the drying power of the cabin. But after Laser Eye Surgery, this extra caution is better focused on your eyes.

Ensure you have access to a bottle of lubricating drops in your hand luggage (these will be provided by your clinic after your treatment). Apply the drops regularly to prevent dry eyes and improve healing.

Don’t rub your eyes:

Just like trains and buses, most planes aren’t winning any prizes for cleanliness. Consider carrying antibacterial wipes to wipe down any hard surfaces in your vicinity, such as tray tables and armrests. But most importantly, be extra careful not to touch or rub your eyes.

Rubbing your eyes after Laser Eye Surgery can lead to complications with the healing of the cornea. Furthermore, this can spread bacteria to the eye which increases the risk of infection.

To sum up…

There is no reason you shouldn’t go on holiday immediately after Laser Eye Surgery. However, we would like to know when and where you are going because we want to look after your eyes after surgery and this information is useful for us to ensure your post-operative care has been addressed properly.

If you’d like to learn more about Laser Eye Surgery recovery, get in touch with one of our friendly clinic coordinators. To enquire about your suitability for treatment, Book a Consultation today.