What Does Freedom From Glasses Really Mean?

For those who have worn glasses for most of their lives, it can be difficult to imagine just what freedom from the frames is really like. You’ve become used to scrambling around the bedside table every morning looking for your specs. Or showering in blurriness as you prepare to start your day.

Maybe living a glasses-free life isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Then again, it would be nice to prepare a meal without worrying about steamed-up lenses. Or enjoy partaking in your favourite sports without worrying about breaking your frames. Or even to not feel the pinching of your glasses on your nose and ears…

Maybe freedom without glasses would be nice after all…

But we humans aren’t always the best at making positive changes. Somehow there is always an excuse not to go ahead with something new. For example, it’s always much easier to enjoy a pizza in front of the TV while complaining that we wish we were fitter, without taking the necessary steps to become so.

And this isn’t all our fault. It’s in our nature – a physiological response in the making for thousands of years.

Just look back at how the earliest humans lived. Most of the time, breaking from the norm meant danger uncertainty, and possibly even death. When Paleolithic, nomadic humans stumbled across a sheltered cave close to a food source, they would stay put for as long as possible.

Compare this to our comfy sofa within walking distance of the fridge; or ignoring the shortfalls of your glasses for fear of the alternative…

Break Free from the Mold

Many of us struggle to change our old ways and habits and embrace modern developments. Take new technologies – a great example of which is Laser Eye Surgery.

Most people have heard of Laser Eye Surgery. This incredible advancement in vision correction has been helping people ditch their glasses and contact lenses for almost four decades. Many have even toyed with the idea of going under the laser themselves.

But in the grand scheme of things, Laser Eye Surgery is still the new kid on the block when it comes to correcting myopia (short-sightedness), hyperopia (long-sightedness), astigmatism, and particularly presbyopia. For some, this makes Laser Eye Surgery unpredictable and so their familiar life with glasses continues.

But what if you decide to take the plunge and opt for the unfamiliar? What could freedom from glasses and contact lenses really mean?

1. A life where you can reach your potential

When you’ve been wearing glasses for so long, it can be easy to forget how limiting they really are. But this shortfall suddenly becomes more noticeable when you want to get involved in any activities that involve movement and contact with others.

Take sports, for example. Wearing glasses doesn’t only get in the way of contact sports like football and rugby. They can get in the way of solo endeavours such as running, yoga, and swimming! And don’t even get us started on water sports!

Whichever kind of physical activity you prefer, you will likely have noticed firsthand just how inconvenient your glasses can be. Damage-prone and easily lost – surely there’s a better option…

Well, maybe it’s time to stop planning your life around your glasses. Ridding yourself of glasses can open you up to all sorts of new opportunities and activities such as rock climbing, water sports, skiing, mountaineering, or simply rolling around with your kids.

2. A life with fewer outgoings

If you’re a long-term glasses wearer, you may have become numb to how big that glasses-shaped hole in your pocket is. But the fact is, wearing glasses is an expensive game. In a previous article, we estimated that the cost of wearing glasses comes out at over £1,000 over ten years – and significantly more if you’re partial to fancy frames!

Of course, wearing glasses is a cheaper option than contact lenses. But both vision correction methods require regular payments, all while only temporarily correcting your vision. So, the question is, why rent high-quality vision when you can buy it outright, potentially for a fraction of the overall cost?

3. A life free with fewer annoyances, inconveniences, and stress

Broken bridges and arms, pairs left on the tube or in a taxi, fogged-up lenses when cooking – the daily list of glasses-related grievances really is a long one. While they may not seem too troublesome on their own, when added up, they can cause a huge amount of stress and irritation. But thankfully, there is a way they can be avoided altogether.

Contact lenses may offer some relief, but they also come with problems of their own. After all, don’t you want to know what it is really like to be free of the inconvenience of constantly worrying about your vision? Maybe it’s time to ditch the external correction aids for good. The question is: Are you ready to make the change?

There are many reasons to ditch the glasses and contact lenses and realise the true potential of Laser Eye Surgery. If you’d like to learn more about this life-changing procedure, get in touch or Book a Consultation today!