What to Expect Before, During and After ReLEx SMILE

Refractive Lenticule Extraction, Small Incision Lenticule Extraction, or ReLEx SMILE, is the latest innovation in Laser Eye Surgery techniques. Also referred to as “keyhole” Laser Eye Surgery, SMILE offers a minimally invasive method of laser corrective surgery.

First developed in 2008 with the help of our very own Professor Dan Reinstein, ReLEx SMILE has been available at the London Vision Clinic in 2011, where it has helped to revolutionise Laser Eye Surgery.

ReLEx SMILE has helped to make Laser Eye Surgery an option for more people than ever before, but if you’re considering this life-changing treatment, you probably want to know what you can expect before, during, and after the procedure, so let’s find out!

How Does ReLEx SMILE Work?

Laser Eye Surgery corrects common refractive errors, including short-sightedness (myopia), long-sightedness (hyperopia), astigmatism, and presbyopia, by changing the shape of the cornea. This technique changes the way light is reflected into the eye, allowing it to sit more directly on the retina. But in order to change the shape of the cornea, the surgeon first needs to access it.

Previous techniques have involved completely removing an area of the corneal surface (as seen in PRK/LASEK), or creating a corneal flap (as in LASIK). However, ReLEx SMILE offers a much less invasive route.

In ReLEx SMILE, a small “keyhole” incision is created on the surface of the cornea. This allows the surgeon to draw out tissue from the cornea, hence changing its shape!

Before ReLEx SMILE

You can expect a number of things in the weeks, days, and hours between booking your initial consultation and your scheduled ReLEx SMILE treatment.

The Days Before

Patients who wear contact lenses will be asked to remove them for a number of days (usually at least a week) before your consultation. This allows your corneas to return to their natural shape, allowing the ophthalmologist to take more accurate readings. You will be informed of the necessary requirements on booking your consultation.

Once you have been found suitable for Laser Eye Surgery and have decided to go ahead with ReLEx SMILE, your surgeon will put together your personal treatment plan. You will be informed of any steps you will need to take in the days before your treatment.

Our clinic coordinators will also be on hand to help you make any necessary arrangements for your treatment. This may include booking hotels or arranging transport from the clinic.

The Hours Before

It is natural to feel nervous in the hours before your ReLEx SMILE treatment. However, it is important to refrain from drinking alcohol as this can disrupt the healing process. On the day of your surgery, you should also avoid wearing makeup (this can increase the risk of infection), as well as perfume/cologne and wearing wool clothing (this can interfere with the machinery).

On arrival at the clinic on the day of your procedure, you will be welcomed by our friendly clinic staff. They will be available to answer any last-minute questions you have. Oh, and expect lots of complimentary drinks and chocolates to ease your nerves!

The Minutes Before

Before heading into the treatment room, a member of staff will walk you through your aftercare routine. You will be given an aftercare pack containing everything you will need for your recovery. This will include lubricating eye drops, painkillers, sleeping masks, and information leaflets.

The final step before your treatment will be the administration of anaesthetic eye drops. This ensures you will feel no pain during your SMILE procedure.

During Your ReLEx SMILE Procedure

Now it’s finally time to head into the treatment room! Your surgeon will ensure you are comfortable and get to work correcting your vision. This will involve the use of two types of laser – one to create the “keyhole” incision and a second to reshape the cornea beneath. But don’t worry, your surgeon will talk you through every step.

During the treatment, you will feel some pressure in the eye, but as mentioned above, this shouldn’t hurt. But, thanks to the minimally invasive nature of ReLEx SMILE, this will be over before you know it! In a matter of minutes, your treatment will be completed and you can start focusing on your recovery!


Our eyes have amongst the greatest healing power of any part of our bodies. This means they will begin healing as soon as you sit up in the treatment chair! No stitches or protective contact lens required!

The Minutes After

Immediately after your SMILE treatment, you will be guided to one of our relaxing recovery rooms. You will be advised to keep your eyes closed as much as possible to protect your eyes from light and dust.

Shortly afterwards, you will be free to leave the clinic and start your recovery regime in the comfort of your own home, confident that you have everything you need to manage the first 24 hours post-treatment. Oh, and should you have any concerns at this time, you will be given your surgeon’s personal phone number for any emergency enquiries!

The Hours After

As the effects of the anaesthetic drops wear off, you may experience some slight discomfort. This may feel similar to having something in your eye. But don’t worry – normal painkillers are usually sufficient for managing this. If necessary, you will also be provided with stronger painkillers in your aftercare pack.

You should refrain from partaking in any activities that could strain your eyes. For example, avoid watching television or reading or performing any other close-up tasks.

The day after your treatment, you will return to the clinic for your one-day follow-up appointment. This gives your surgeon the chance to assess the results of your treatment and ensure your recovery is going as smoothly as possible. This is also a great chance for you to ask any further questions you may have.

In most cases, you will be signed off to return to work, do some light exercise, and even get back to driving (though you may initially need to wear glasses at night to avoid glare).

The Days After

Recovery from ReLEx SMILE is significantly faster than LASIK and PRK/LASEK. This means you will likely be back to your normal life – with the added benefit of clear vision! – before you know it. While some side effects – such as dry eyes – may persist for a few days to a few weeks, these are usually managed with the eye drops provided by the clinic.

Many patients notice an immediate improvement in their vision after Laser Eye Surgery. However, this will not be the final result. As your recovery continues, you will notice a gradual improvement in your vision. While we can’t guarantee that you will be able to ditch your glasses or contact lenses completely, the vast majority of our patients achieve 20/20 vision – many achieve even better!

If your surgeon believes your vision could be corrected further, you may be offered an enhancement procedure. This is a simple procedure that, at the London Vision Clinic, will be performed free of charge!

So, there you go – everything you need to know about what to expect before, during and after ReLEx SMILE! Have more questions? Get in touch with one of our friendly clinic coordinators today. Alternatively, Book a Consultation to start your journey to clear vision!