Essential Advice On Eye Health

Essential Advice On Eye Health

Last year, National Eye Health Week reminded us all of the importance of regular eye tests. It’s recommended we have our eyes examined at least every two years, not only to ensure they’re healthy, but also to check for changes to our current prescriptions.

Health organisations advised that some of us are more likely than others to experience eye conditions, including those aged over 40, of African Caribbean origin or with a close family member that suffers with glaucoma. Worrying, such conditions can be symptomless, making it common for problems to worsen as they are left untreated.

So what should we be doing to keep our eyes healthy? We’ve rounded up a number of top tips for maintaining healthy eyesight:

Keep An Eye On Your Vision In 2014

You wouldn’t neglect to visit your doctor or dentist for a regular check-up, so why do so many of us forget to have our eyes tested? Even if your vision is great, it’s vital to ensure that your eyes are checked for symptomless conditions, e.g. open glaucoma, which may otherwise go undetected. Get your eyes examined every two years, even if it’s just to be on the safe side.

Check Your Family History

Some eye conditions are hereditary so check with relatives about any history of eye conditions in your family. If you’re a parent, don’t be short sighted when it comes to your child’s vision, particularly if other members of the family have ever suffered from lazy eye or have worn strong glasses from a young age.

Stop Smoking!

One of endless incentives to quit smoking is the habit’s terrible links to blindness. Smokers are 4 times more likely than non-smokers to develop macular degeneration, which can lead to significant sight loss.

Wear Sunglasses

Stay safe and stylish in the sun by wearing sunglasses. Choose a pair carrying CE or BS EN 1836:2005 marks and you can have confidence that your eyes will be protected from damaging UVA and UVB rays. Again, if you’re a parent, don’t forget your little ones eyes are more at risk too.

Don’t Be Lazy With Your Lenses

It can be tempting to leave your lenses in whilst you shower, sleep or swim, but be warned, this is dangerous to your eyes and can lead to serious infections. Remember not to exceed the recommended time for wearing your lenses and only handle your contacts with clean, dry hands. Finally, you should always clean your contacts using the solution recommended by your optometrist.

Protect Your Eyes

Always wear goggles if you work with hazardous or airborne materials to ensure your eyes are protected from injury! Eating

Eat Well, Stay Healthy

Eating the right foods can help you maintain healthy vision. Leafy green vegetables and citrus fruits are rich in zinc as well vitamins C and E, which can help to prevent age-related vision problems, including cataracts. Remember to protect your eyes when exercising by wearing appropriate goggles or a helmet too.

Following these tips will help you to ensure any problems with your eyes are identified in good time. National Eye Health Week did a fantastic job of raising awareness of how importance our eye health is – now we need to play our part to ensure that this advice is not overlooked. Why not make it your New Year’s resolution to take better care of your eyes in 2014?

View Comments (2)

  • sir its 1 mnth i gone throgh lasik ,my technology was o.w +with blade.
    i feel uneasy when moving my eyes back and there some sound in my eye ,says tk .tk
    sir please tell me whats it.
    my doctor does not getting my problem
    please help me,i feel something torn in my eyes upper portion

    • Hi Sheetal. Unfortunately we can only provide clinical advice to London Vision Clinic patients. We would not be able to advise you without examining your eyes, as a patient. If you would like to make an appointment, please call us on 020 7224 1005, or email us at info@londonvisionclinic.com. Kind regards, London Vision Clinic.