What are the Common Side Effects of Laser Eye Surgery?

…procedure less invasive and more effective. Patients today experience shorter recovery times and are able to receive treatment for much higher prescriptions than in the past. But those aren’t the…

Can I Play Sport And Drive After Laser Surgery? [VIDEO]

…we discuss with our patients relates to the recovery process – specifically, the restrictions on playing sports and driving following Laser Eye Surgery. This is an understandable concern, particularly for…

What is the Most Advanced Laser Eye Surgery Procedure?

…PRK Downsides Despite its benefits, PRK/LASEK has some drawbacks – the main one being the recovery process following treatment. PRK/LASEK has the longest recovery period out of all three treatments…

Side Effect: Fluctuating vision

…possible outcome have already been experienced, so chances are your individual process can be accurately predicted before you even begin—including your chances of complications and side effects. The post-surgery recovery

Should I expect both eyes to heal at the same rate?

…now celebrating the advances brought about by quicker and less invasive techniques. The development of LASIK and ReLEx SMILE have meant quicker procedures and faster recovery times – as well…

ReLEx SMILE: The latest Innovation in Laser Eye Surgery

…healthcare and surgical techniques. Patients are now experiencing fewer complications, faster recovery times, and shorter hospital stays – and patients undergoing elective procedures like Laser Eye Surgery are no exception….

SMILE vs. LASIK vs. Surface Ablation

…Pros: Little/no sensation during surgery Near-complete tissue recovery in less than 24 hours Minimal eye dryness and irritation during the healing process Cons: SMILE is not yet available to patients…