How quickly do you recover from Laser Eye Surgery?

…like to know more about the recovery process, give us a call on 020 7224 1005. For 2017, we have updated this article to ‘Quick guide: Laser Eye Surgery recovery’…

Quick guide: Laser Eye Surgery and Alcohol

…which includes things like a 24-hour period of fasting and days and days spent off work in recovery, Laser Eye Surgery is like the cool and progressive distant cousin, with…

What post-operative care you should expect after Laser Eye Surgery

…is just as — if not more — important than what came before it. And so for you to experience a smooth and speedy recovery, you also need to go…

What are the Common Side Effects of Laser Eye Surgery?

…procedure less invasive and more effective. Patients today experience shorter recovery times and are able to receive treatment for much higher prescriptions than in the past. But those aren’t the…